NBA Playoff Haterade 2024: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least
2023 TV year in review
Every time I think it's safe to keep using Evernote for another year something else happens
NBA Playoff Haterade V: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least (NBA Finals Edition)
NBA Playoff Haterade IV: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least (Conference Finals Edition)
Some useful ways to actually make use of ChatGPT, despite the hype
NBA Playoff Haterade III: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least (Week 3)
NBA Playoff Haterade II: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least (Week 2)
NBA Playoff Haterade: Ranked by Who I Want to Win the Finals the Least
Last-minute Oscars feels
Evernote's slow descent